
Calma calma que no panda el cunico
Calma calma que no panda el cunico

When I came to Spain I didn't bring it with me, so some months ago my mum sent it to me with some other things, and I was so happy to be reunited with my shirt!! (Yep, I have this kind of relationship with clothes, they are friends to me!).ĭebo confesar que últimamente estoy un poco vaga en lo que a bloggear se refiere, y no proque no quiera hacerlo, sino porque porque me agota hacer que un post se vea bonito y escribirlo en dos idiomas, entonces digo "mas tarde, mas tarde", luego mas tarde se convierte en nunca, y heme aquí con fotos que hice hace mas de 10 días!!

calma calma que no panda el cunico

My son and I went out with his longboard, and even if I tried, I was too scared to ride, because when I was a child I fell from a skateboard and almost broke my tailbone and now I don't feel safe.Īnyway, I don't really have anything to say, but lately I've been feeling uninspired regarding clothes and outfits I need to renew my wardrobe at least a little, I need new clothes ASAP 'cause I never know what to wear and I always end up wearing the same jeans and tops.īut some days something like the outfit here comes up and I feel happy because I had this shirt for like 15 years, and it used to be my favourite back then. I must confess how lazy I've been lately when it comes to blogging, not because I don't want to, but because sometimes it's so tiresome to make a post look pretty and to write it in 2 languages that I always say "later, later", then later becomes never, and here I am with photos I took more than ten days ago!!

Calma calma que no panda el cunico